International Skills Forum


International Skills Forum

03 April 2019

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has a long track record in assisting its developing member countries (DMCs) achieve the goal of quality education for all. Despite the remarkable achievements in the education sector, the Asia Pacific region still faces challenges that threaten its social and economic growth.

In line with its commitment of helping ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities, ADB has been organizing the International Skills Forum that serves as a venue to exchange good practices, share innovative ideas, and promote collaboration among experts, development practitioners, policy makers, government agencies, and the private sector.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Year Event Title
01 Jan 2001 2023 10th ADB International Skills Forum: A New Era Digitalized and Climate-Resilient Human and Social Development
ADB organized the10th International Skills Forum, an innovative gathering of Asia-Pacific stakeholders and global experts focused on the transformative...
01 Jan 2001 2021 9th International Skills Forum: Reimagining Education and Skills Development for a New Normal
The International Skills Forum is ADB’s flagship event in education that is held every two years. In 2021, the 9thInternational Skills Forum highlighted...
01 Jan 2001 2019 8th International Skills Forum: Future of Skills and Jobs in the Age of Digital Disruptions
In this age of disruption and automation, how do we remain responsive and relevant in the world of work? Developments in artificial intelligence and...
01 Jan 2001 2017 7th International Skills Forum: Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs
How do education and training systems respond to the rapid changes in technology? How will education and training transform to help equip future workers...
01 Jan 2001 2016 6th International Skills Forum: Innovative Practices in Skills Development
Some world class examples of innovations in skills development were shared in this 6th annual International Skills Development Forum, following five previous...
01 Jan 2001 2015 5th International Skills Forum: Current Priorities in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
As countries in Asia seek to help their youth acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute productively and successfully to the demands of...
01 Jan 2001 2014 4th International Skills Forum: Skills Development in Asia and the Pacific - Planting Seeds One Step Ahead
Featuring the results of ADB's policy research study on Education and Skills for Inclusive Growth and Green Jobs, along with other studies on green jobs...
01 Jan 2001 2013 3rd International Skills Forum: Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
With the international development community increasingly focusing on the issue of youth employment and the need to address education / skills and jobs...
01 Jan 2001 2012 2nd International Skills Forum: Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
Skills development is vital to developing Asian countries’ economic growth. Know about new approaches to skills development from this forum. ThisInternational...
01 Jan 2001 2011 1st International Skills Forum: Skills for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
The growing prominence of Asian economies and corporations, together with globalization and technological innovation, are leading to long term changes...


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