Mr. Rustam Abdukayumov is the Director of Procurement Division 2 of Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department (PPFD) in ADB and he oversees procurement and consulting services operations in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Pacific countries.
Mr. Rustam Abdukayumov has been with ADB for 20 years. He joined ADB in 2001 as a Portfolio Management Officer in ADB's Uzbekistan Resident Mission and later moved to become a procurement specialist in PPFD. His experience in ADB includes working on large and complex turnkey, civil work and supply contracts in the irrigation, transport, urban and energy sectors, carrying out country, sector, and project procurement risk assessments, procurement capacity assessment of executing agencies. He served as Secretary to ADB’s Procurement Committee responsible for oversight of high value procurement transactions across all ADB developing member countries and as Head of Procurement Support Unit providing data and analyses on procurement transactions for PPFD management.
Mr. Rustam Abdukayumov is a national of Uzbekistan. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Oriental Studies in 1989 from Tashkent State University.