Ponzi has, for more than 30 years, worked in the field of environment policy and management as staff and consultant for various international organizations and Italian companies including academes and NGOs. He joined ADB in 1995, and is currently the Technical Advisor (Environment) and Chair, Environment Thematic Group Committee. In his 18 years with ADB, Ponzi has worked in several departments and held a wide range of responsibilities covering the Bank corporate strategic green growth and environment agenda, and associated policies and knowledge management for green growth. He also worked on country environment strategies and programs and led the development and administration of several environmental and natural resources management loans, grants and technical assistance projects. From 2005 to 2008 he was with the African Development Bank (AfDB) where he managed the Sustainable Development Division. In this capacity he led the expansion of the AfDB-Global Environment Facility program, started the AfDB environmental and social safeguards review process, and initiated and led the development of the AfDB climate change adaptation strategy and associated programs. Ponzi holds a university degree in Economics from Bocconi University, Milan and a two-year postgraduate master degree in Environmental Policies and Management. He is a member of the Italian Journalists Professional Association.