Waste-to-Fuel Technology Training


Waste-to-Fuel Technology Training

21 September 2015 to 23 September 2015
Seoul and Wonju
Republic of Korea

“Transport and climate change” is one of the priority pillars identified under the Asian Development Bank's Sustainable Transport Initiative Operational Plan, 2010 (STI-OP). Transport investments or the use of transport typically lead to increases in greenhouse gas emissions, and so increased knowledge and capacity on how to mitigate emissions to the extent possible will significantly benefit the transport sector.

Waste-to-fuel technology is one of the most promising areas of achieving significant reductions in both greenhouse gas and health-related emissions from bus operations. Biogas can be produced from a range of waste streams, including agricultural waste, landfill waste, and sanitation waste, which can then be converted to biomethane that vehicles can use as compressed natural gas.

This training workshop combined classroom lectures from waste-to-fuel experts as well as site visits in the Republic of Korea that viewed the actual technology in practice.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
21 Sep 2015 Welcome Remarks and Introduction Waste-to-Fuel Technology: Turning Problems into Sustainable Solutions
This presentation is an overview of the three-day training on waste-to-fuel technology. Lloyd Wright, Asian Development Bank'sSenior Transport Specialist...
21 Sep 2015 Introduction to Waste-to-Fuel Technologies Biomethane: The Potential of Waste-to-Fuel in Asia and the Pacific
Biomethane,a purified form of biogas produced from different waste streams, is considered as compressed natural gas that can fuel transportation. In Sweden...
21 Sep 2015 Introduction to Waste-to-Fuel Technologies Introduction to Waste to Fuel Technologies: Biogas to Bio-CNG
This presentation delves into the science of biogas, from the different sources of methane to the various processes and systems used to produce bio-CNG...
Stephen Peters
21 Sep 2015 Waste-to-fuel History and Implementation in the Republic of Korea Waste-to-fuel History and Implementation in the Republic of Korea
Understanding waste-to-fuel technologies begin with becoming familiar with the different organic waste treatment such as anaerobic digestion, composting...
Eunjoo Cho
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
22 Sep 2015 Environmental Analysis of Waste to Fuel Projects Environmental Analysis of Waste-to-Fuel Projects: Well-to-Wheel
This presentation discusses the concept of "well-to-wheel" or the process of fuelproduction and purification, transport of fuel to the vehicle, and the...
Stephen Peters
22 Sep 2015 Costing and Financing of Waste-to-Fuel Projects Waste-to-Fuel Infrastructure Costing: Biogas to Bio-CNG
A key element of implementing waste-to-fuel technologies in developing countries is determining the infrastructure and operational cost. This presentation...
Stephen Peters
22 Sep 2015 Karachi, Pakistan Case Study Karachi (Pakistan) Waste-to-Fuel Potential
Following the fundamentals of waste-to-fuel technologies and the experience of the Republic of Korea, this presentation concentrates on the Karachi case...
Stephen Peters
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
23 Sep 2015 Dhaka, Bangladesh Case Study Support for the Establishment of Waste-to-fuel Technology in the Transport Sector in Bangladesh
The Dhaka case study is based on the joint consulting project of Asian Development Bank and the government of the Republic of Korea and The Export-Import...
Jinyoung Park


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