Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Cambodian Executing and Implementing Agencies

Event: Integrity Learning Series: Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Cambodian Executing and Implementing Agencies

Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Cambodian Executing and Implementing Agencies

26 April 2024
Author / Speaker: 
Elsa Ronterre, ADB - Other materials by the author

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On 26 April 2024, 19 participants from Cambodia executing and implementing agencies for the proposed Strengthening Country Systems for Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence project learned about integrity due diligence and identifying integrity risks and red flags at a hybrid OAI briefing. OAI provides training tailored for participants exercising oversight functions and project responsibility under RETA 9703's Integrity Learning Series.

Geographical Focus: 
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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