Elsa Ronterre

Integrity Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

Elsa Ronterre is an Integrity Specialist at the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In the Prevention and Compliance Division, she assists in identifying red flags and other potential risk areas that could adversely impact ADB or the implementation of its projects, including any perceived reputational risk.

Before joining ADB, Elsa was a Senior Compliance Officer at the French Development Agency (AFD) Compliance Department in Paris, overseeing integrity risk reviews in financed projects and AML/CFT trainings.

Elsa holds a Master of Criminal Business Law and a Diplôme Universitaire Compliance Officer (Anti-Money Laundering / Law) from Paris-Saclay University and is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS).


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Cambodian Executing and Implementing Agencies 26 April 2024 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Capacity Development, Gender Equality
Integrity on ADB Projects 05 October 2023 Slides ADB Administration and Governance