AASCTF Smart Cities – Inclusive Cities Capacity Building Program - Module 1 Report: Access to Services and Infrastructure
The Smart Cities–Inclusive Cities Capacity Building Program of the ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund (AASCTF) is regional initiative centered on a series of dialogues with key city actors pursuing reforms in the gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) space. Also called the Inclusive Cities Dialogues (ICD), the series comprises three modules (each with three cohorts) focusing on the three core GESI issues identified through the stakeholder and issues mapping process done under the program. The aim with ICD is to create a platform for discussing the potential for planning and implementing more inclusive cities in the ASEAN region.
This report covers the first module on “Access to Services and Infrastructure”, which consisted of three dialogues on 4, 17, and 24 March 2022. The report presents the design and delivery of the dialogues, as well the list of speakers and their presentations. Key lessons from participants’ experiences and from the implementation of the dialogues are included in the report.