Economics of Transportation Infrastructure: Balancing Needs of Biodiversity Conservation and Costs

Event: Training on Planning and Design of Smart Linear Infrastructure for Biodiversity Protection

Economics of Transportation Infrastructure: Balancing Needs of Biodiversity Conservation and Costs

27 April 2022
Author / Speaker: 
Kim Bonine, Conservation Strategy Fund - Email the author | Other materials by the author

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Economic analysis tools are important instruments that support decision making for infrastructure development including rural roads. The use of these tools such as economic valuation, cost-benefit analysis and multi-criteria analysis help identify potential impacts and their costs, which could be measured through economic, social and environmental costs. Case studies in Myanmar, Uganda, and Amazon provide real life examples—where it is clearly demonstrated that environmental and social costs should be incorporated from the beginning of the planning process to help prioritize road infrastructure investments. More importantly, road projects that generate more costs than benefits for society should be avoided; indeed, investing in avoidance can be less expensive than investing in mitigation.

Geographical Focus: 
Regional - Asia
Regional - Africa
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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