NEP: Strengthening Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Systems — Capacity Development Plan
30 September 2014
The present sub-project "Strengthening Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Systems in Nepal"(TA 7566) aims to make Nepal's social safeguard system more effective and efficient in line with the
international best practices. The study focuses on supporting the government to formulate appropriate policy and legal instrnments on resettlement and rehabilitation by identifying the cmTent gap that exists
between the international best practices and the current practices of the country. One of the deliverable of the study is to suggest and recommend the government to initiate/develop institutional capacity of
the various institutions that are involved in designing and implementing infrastructure projects in Nepal.
The objectives of the Institutional Need and Capacity Assessment are to: (a) evaluate the capability of EA and IA , and the adequacy of involuntary resettlement safeguards related systems in place,; (b)
assess the competitiveness of the units/division in ministries; ( c) assess the risks (institutional, political, organizational, procedural, etc.) that may negatively affect the ability of the units/divisions to carry out
the IR safeguard process; and ( d) develop an action plan to be implemented, as part of the capacity development plan, to address deficiencies identified by the capacity analysis and to minimize the risks
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Learning Event