NEP: Strengthening Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Systems— Training Manual

Event: Country Safeguard Systems: South Asia

NEP: Strengthening Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Systems— Training Manual

31 August 2013

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he present sub-project (TA 7566) aims to make Nepal’s involuntary resettlement safeguard system more effective so that it addresses the gap in between the best international practices and the current practices of the country. It will assist the Government of Nepal to conduct a diagnostic study of the existing regulatory frameworks and policies with the best international practices, including the assessment of financial implications of the draft policy and the specific practices that have been adopted by the government to address the gap between international best practices and hence develop technical guidelines. It will also assist in identifying institutional and capacity development requirements in line with the proposed policy and the legal reforms. The subproject envisages strengthening the effectiveness of the public delivery system and mainstreaming of social safeguards in the government system in line with the Country Partnership Strategy 2010-2012.

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