Financing Plastic Circularity: Recommendations to Overcome Market and Policy Challenges (Circular Economy Webinar Series Session 35)

Series: ADB Data Room: Circular Economy

Financing Plastic Circularity: Recommendations to Overcome Market and Policy Challenges (Circular Economy Webinar Series Session 35)

26 February 2025

With the massive scale of the plastic pollution crisis, countries need an estimated $50 billion–$120 billion annually to achieve their waste reduction goals. Asia and the Pacific is at the epicenter of global plastic pollution, yet the region accounts for only 8% of plastic circularity investments. Learn more about the current landscape for financing plastic circularity and opportunities and recommendations for accelerating investments. This webinar presented findings from the recently published ADB brief, Financing Plastic Circularity in Asia and the Pacific: How to Overcome Market and Policy Challenges and Create Impact.



Vincent Aloysius | Team Lead, Seureca

Vincent is the Team Lead of the ADB technical assistance project, Promoting Action on Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea in Asia and the Pacific. This project delivered city action plans and recommendations to shift towards plastic circularity in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. The project also provided policy advice by assessing economic instruments in Thailand. Before his current role, Vincent was a Program Management Officer in the SEA Circular Project of the United Nations Environment Programme. He was responsible for the markets and value chain focus where he led projects on the themes of innovation in the plastic value chain, city level actions, capacity building, finance and business models, and policy advancement. As a CEO of an environmental service business in the private sector, Vincent has extensive international commercial and operational experience in renewable energy, waste-to-fuel, and waste management.


James Baker | Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development Sector Office (AFNR), Sectors Department 2, ADB

James is responsible for leading ADB’s regional marine plastics reduction program and supporting operationalization of Strategy 2030 Operational Priority 3 and the Healthy Oceans Action Plan. He is also responsible for supporting country programming and sovereign and private sector project teams to identify and promote circular economy activities within their programs and investments. Prior to ADB, James held senior project development and operational and investment roles with Climate Change Capital, EON Masdar, and CEMEX. He has a background in industrial recycling solutions and is advancing modelling of complex value for policy design.  


Piya Kerdlap | Managing Director, PXP Sustainability

Piya is a sustainability scientist and international development professional. He has ten years of experience in life cycle assessment, circular economy, and clean energy in Southeast Asia. He is the founder and managing director of PXP Sustainability. This consulting firm helps businesses, nonprofit organizations, and development agencies measure and build strategies to achieve their sustainability goals in Asia.  


Erin Sinogba | Project and Knowledge Management Lead (Consultant), Environment group, Asian Development Bank

Erin Sinogba is the Project and Knowledge Management Lead (Consultant) for the ADB regional technical assistance project, Promoting Action on Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea in Asia and the Pacific. Erin has worked with several international and regional organizations focusing on communications and knowledge management, policy advocacy and campaigning, and project management on programs supporting environmental sustainability, climate change, and sustainable consumption and production. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Global Development Studies from Grinnell College in Iowa, USA.  

See previous webinar featuring Piya Kerdlap here and a webinar discussing another ADB brief (on strengthening regional collaboration for marine litter management) here.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
26 Feb 2025 Presentation Financing Plastic Circularity: Recommendations to Overcome Market and Policy Challenges
This presentation gives an overview of financing plastic circularity and addressing challenges and solutions related to plastic waste management in the...
Vincent Aloysius, Piya Kerdlap


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