Earth Observation Tools Enhance Planning, Climate-Proofing in Mandalay


Earth Observation Tools Enhance Planning, Climate-Proofing in Mandalay

20 September 2017

The 2015 Global Climate Risks Index shows that Myanmar faces an acute climate change vulnerability factor up to 2030. ADB, through its Mandalay Urban Services Improvement Project,  is helping the country improve and climate-proof its urban services and facilities. This learning event shows how earth observation technologies are now helping Myanmar integrate climate resilience features into water and wastewater systems in the city of Mandalay. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
20 Sep 2017 Presentation Earth Observation Tools Enhance Planning, Climate-Proofing in Mandalay
Climate change may cause severe floods in Myanmar, that in turn, may cause extensive damage to urban services and facilities. ADB is helping the country...
Paolo Manunta


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