Driving Power Sector Reforms for Enhanced Renewable Energy Growth and Sector Performance

Series: Serendipity Knowledge Program for Sri Lanka

Driving Power Sector Reforms for Enhanced Renewable Energy Growth and Sector Performance

30 January 2025
Sri Lanka

The “Serendipity Knowledge Program” (SKOP) was ADB’s knowledge program dedicated to Sri Lanka, designed to respond effectively to the country’s needs. It aligned with ADB's vision as a knowledge solutions bank. SKOP sought to share knowledge on issues relevant to Sri Lanka and facilitate stakeholder discussions. The latest SKOP event focused on the reforms and financial sustainability of Sri Lanka's power sector. It aimed to contribute to the dialogue to prepare the country for higher shares of renewable energy and improve customer engagement through various renewable energy and power sector policy reforms and infrastructure projects, including grid digitalization.

The workshop featured a series of keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities with experts from the energy, financial, academic, and private sectors.

The key objectives of the workshop were to provide a platform for stakeholders to discuss and share best practices, challenges, and opportunities in the power sector. These objectives included learning from successful sector reforms in other economies and the role of grid digitalization, exploring long-term and modern visions for Sri Lanka's power sector, addressing the challenges and opportunities of achieving the 70% renewable energy target and discussing the role of grid digitalization and renewable energy in smart grids and cities. Stakeholders, including government officials, private sector representatives, think tanks, development partners, civil society, and ADB staff, attended the event.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
30 Jan 2025 Materials will be uploaded once available after the event.


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