ADB's SECURE Webinar Series


ADB's SECURE Webinar Series

22 February 2022 to 04 April 2023

The Supporting Enhanced COVID-19 Vaccination and Post COVID-19 Health Security Response in Southeast Asia (SECURE) Webinar Series is a platform to promote innovative approaches and best practices for COVID-19 vaccination programs among Southeast Asia (SEA) developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The webinar series is supported by the ongoing ADB technical assistance (TA) on Supporting Enhanced COVID-19 Vaccination and Post COVID-19 Health Security Response in SEA, and it serves as a venue for knowledge and information exchange among governments, the private sector, development partners, CSO networks and other key stakeholders.

The core messages of the series are: (1) immunization is still the most critical public health intervention for COVID-19 control and prevention, and (2) COVID-19 vaccines must be treated as a global public good. Summary proceedings will be produced after each webinar and will be shared through designated platforms.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
04 Apr 2023 22 February 2022 SECURE Webinar 1: Vaccination Days in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Divisionlaunchedthe SECURE Webinar Series as a platform to document, disseminate and promote innovative approaches...
04 Apr 2023 31 March 2022 SECURE Webinar 2: Making Women’s Challenges and Roles in the COVID-19 Vaccination Programs Visible
In celebration of International Women’s Month, ADB Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division organizedthe second SECURE Webinar onMaking Women...
04 Apr 2023 28 June 2022 SECURE Webinar 3: COVID-19 Vaccination Programs and Climate Change
The SECURE Webinar Series #3: COVID-19 Vaccination Programs and Climate Change broughttogether experts, scholars, and practitioners to share experiences...
04 Apr 2023 23 August 2022 SECURE Webinar 4: Private Sector Engagement in COVID-19 Vaccination Programs in Southeast Asia
The fourth SECURE Webinar, Private Sector Engagement in COVID-19 Vaccination Programs in Southeast Asia, broughttogether policymakers, practitioners, ...
04 Apr 2023 09 December 2022 SECURE Webinar 5: Strengthening Health System Resilience against Climate Change in Indonesia
The fifth SECURE webinar discussed lessons learned from Indonesia's experience on health and climate policy-making and governance, ongoing actions, and...
04 Apr 2023 03 February 2023 SECURE Webinar 6: Climate Change and Post-COVID-19 Health Security
Climate change affects human health through a variety of mechanisms, including impacts on air quality, the spread of disease, food security, and extreme...
04 Apr 2023 31 March 2023 SECURE Webinar 7: The Health Communication Momentum: How do we accelerate?
Along with the continuously changing contexts of the COVID-19 pandemic, our approach to health communications has been adjusted based on the needs and...
04 Apr 2023 07 July 2023 SECURE Webinar 8: Promising the Green Economy: Conceptualizing Green Initiatives to Health Facilities in Asia and the Pacific
Strong, balanced, secure, sustainable, and inclusive growth in the economy is one of the major drivers of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) ...
04 Apr 2023 08 December 2023 SECURE Webinar 9: COVID Vaccination and Beyond: Lessons from Southeast Asia
The Supporting Enhanced COVID-19 Vaccination and Post-COVID-19 Health Security Response in Southeast Asia (SECURE) technical facility had been established...
04 Apr 2023 18 January 2024 SECURE Webinar 10: Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Increasing Access to Diagnostics Today
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the gap of diagnostics capacities between countries, and how diagnostic capacities directly lead to response capacity...
04 Apr 2023 29 February 2024 SECURE Webinar 11: Strengthening Domestic Vaccine Development and Manufacturing in Viet Nam
The COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call for many upper-middle-income country (UMIC) and low-and-middle-income country (LMIC) governments. Despite...
04 Apr 2023 02 April 2024 SECURE Webinar 12: Strengthening Health Surveillance and Diagnostic Capacity in Indonesia
On a global scale, the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the disparity in diagnostic capabilities among nations and highlighted the direct correlation between...
04 Apr 2023 22 May 2024 SECURE Webinar 13: Transforming Primary Care in a Decentralized Health System Context: Lessons from Indonesia
Primary care (PC) was widely recognized as a cornerstone of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). However, PC's progress in Southeast Asia varied...
04 Apr 2023 23 May 2024 SECURE Webinar 14: The Impact of Climate Change on Healthcare: Building Resilience of Vulnerable Populations with Mobile Health Facilities
The World Health Organization (WHO) predicted that climate change would directly contribute to humanitarian emergencies resulting from the increased scale...
04 Apr 2023 27 June 2024 SECURE Webinar 15: Public and Private Sector Collaboration on Integrated Community, Primary, and Hospital Care: Lessons from Singapore
Primary healthcare (PHC) is the cornerstone of high-performing health systems. Private sector PHC providers, provide a significant proportion of PHC services...
04 Apr 2023 05 August 2024 SECURE Webinar 16: Planning and Budgeting for Human Resources for Health Requirements for Primary Care: Lessons from Thailand
Several Southeast Asian countries faced challenges in developing, managing, and sustaining their health workforce. Among others, the Philippines faced...
04 Apr 2023 05 September 2024 SECURE Webinar 17: Leapfrogging Technologies for Management of Noncommunicable Diseases: Lessons from South Asia
Globally, Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) account for 71% of deaths and 15 million premature deaths annually (WHO, 2018). The burden of NCDs in the Asia...


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