ADB Strategy Seminar: Promotion of Strategy and Partnership


ADB Strategy Seminar: Promotion of Strategy and Partnership

25 November 2019

Tomoyuki Kimura, Director General of ADB's Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department, on 25 November spoke at a special seminar organized by the Japan Representative Office on ADB's partnership strategy. He gave an overview of ADB's integrated approach that combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships under Strategy 2030 and engaged with participants by sharing his insight on ADB’s business operation. Around 70 participants representing the Japanese government, private sector, and civil society organizations attended the special seminar.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Nov 2019 Presentation ADB's Partnership Strategy
This presentation givesoverview of ADB's integrated approach that combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships under Strategy 2030.
Tomoyuki Kimura


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