Shigeru Yamamura

Principal Portfolio Management Specialist, East Asia Department
Profile / Bio: 

Shigeru has been working in the Energy Division of ADB's East Asia Department since 2009. He is currently working on project processing and administration in renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Peoples' Republic of China and Mongolia. Mr, Yamamura is also the mission leader for technical assistance in the preparation of Mongolia's Renewable Energy Investment Plan under the Scaling Up Renewable Energy for Low-Income Countries program of the Climate Investment Funds.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Energy (East Asia) 14 March 2018 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Energy
Energy (East Asia) 16 March 2016 Slides Energy
Energy (East Asia) 03 March 2015 Slides Energy
Energy (East Asia) 02 March 2011 Slides Energy