Julie joined IISD’s Resilience Program in 2010 and has been an active member of the Secretariat for the NAP Global Network since its inception in 2014. She co-leads the Network’s work on gender-responsive NAP processes and on monitoring and evaluation. In addition, she coordinates technical support programs for NAP processes in the Pacific region and Francophone Africa. Julie has extensive fieldwork experience, particularly in knowledge gathering among local partners through one-on-one interviews and the implementation of broader participatory processes, as well as identifying solutions that are owned by all development actors. Over the past 10 years, her work and main interests focus on social aspects of climate change adaptation, including the integration of local knowledge and gender issues. In March 2017, Julie was one of 18 winners selected by the Geneva Environment Network for promoting gender equality and the environment that year. Prior to joining IISD, Julie worked as the Team Leader on Disaster Risk Reduction and Community Resilience with the Integrated Water and Hazard Management Programme for the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal. She was also a consultant on adaptation to climate change for HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, a foundation focused on cooperation and development