Jingmin Huang

Senior Urban Development Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Jingmin Huang has more than twenty-year experience in the fields of urban planning, water and sanitation, environment management, and infrastructure development.

She works in ADB as a Senior Urban Development Specialist at Sustainable Infrastructure Division in the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department. She is responsible for ADB major initiatives such as ADB’s sanitation and wastewater management revolution, the green city initiative under the Urban CoP, and the solid waste management sector. She also plays a major role in developing knowledge products and best practices in the sector both within and outside ADB. Prior to joining ADB, she was a fellow at St Hugh’s College in Oxford University, UK and lectured at the Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University. Previously, she worked for 10 years on urban planning and urban infrastructure design in China.

She holds a PhD degree in water science from Oxford University, in addition to two bachelor's degrees on industrial economics and environmental engineering from Tianjin University, P R China.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
For Clean Islands and a Clean Ocean in the Pacific, Start with Solid Waste Management 26 November 2021 Document Environment
Importance of Large-Scale Fecal Sludge Management in CWIS 22 April 2021 Slides Water, Environment
Use of Design-Build- Operate Contracts in SARD Infrastructure Projects 12 December 2018 Slides Urban Development, Water
Procurement of a large scale desalination plant 03 October 2018 Slides Urban Development, Water
Interview Video - Green City Development Tool Kit 18 September 2015 Multimedia Climate Change, Environment, Transport, Urban Development, Water
Asian Urbanization: Challenges and Visions 06 March 2015 Slides Urban Development, Governance and Public Sector Management, Transport, Water
Integrated Urban Development 04 March 2015 Slides Urban Development, Transport, Water, Environment
Lessons from the Study Tour on Integrated Solid Waste Management and other Urban Development Issues 03 July 2014 Slides Urban Development
Water and Urban Municipal Infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific: How to Help ADB Do Better? 12 March 2014 Slides Urban Development, Water
Background on Integrated Solid Waste Management Workshop 18 September 2013 Slides Environment, Urban Development
Green Cities Initiative: Water and Cross-Cutting Issues 07 June 2013 Slides Environment, Urban Development, Water
Water and Municipal Infrastructure (Overview) 20 March 2013 Slides Water, Urban Development
Presentation on ADB Regional Technical Assistance 8060: Promoting Innovations in Wastewater Management in Asia and the Pacific 29 January 2013 Slides Water