Ayako Inagaki is the Director of ADB's South East Asia Department, Human and Social Development Division. She leads the planning, implementation, and supervision of ADB's lending and non-lending operations in the social sectors, that includes education and skills development, health, and social protection. Ms. Inagaki is also the Chair of ADB's Health Sector Group where she guides the preparation and implementation of the health sector group work plan which sets out priorities and targets based on ADB's Operational Plan for Health 2015-2020. As the Chair, she also plays a key role in providing strategic operational support to help operational departments deliver on ADB 's corporate agenda and planning directions. Ms. Inagaki is also a member of the Education Sector Committee and the Social Development Thematic Group Committee. Ms Inagaki joined ADB in April 2001 and since then was involved in the design, management, and evaluation of development projects in the education and skills development sectors in Southeast Asia and South Asia. She obtained both her Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Education from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan.