Blair Duncan

Founder and Head
, Inception
Profile / Bio: 

Mr. Blair Duncan is a Founder and Head of our Compliance practice of Inception. He leads the Risk Management Framework reviews, Standards Compliance, and Design aspects of Inception’s Discovery and RMF Compliance activities. He has over 48 years of IT, Communications, and Security experience across four continents, 40+ countries, and industries as diverse as Oil & Gas, Mining, Military, LEA, Airports, Power Generation and Distribution, and UN Humanitarian delivery.

Since 1994, he has been based across ASEAN and the Pacific, supporting DFAT (Australia), USAID, UNICEF, and UNDP project delivery and managing security integrations for multiple Government Agencies throughout the region.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Securing eProcurement Infrastructure, Platforms, and Physical Assets 13 December 2024 Slides Governance and Public Sector Management, ICT