Mr. Guiseppe Busia is the President of the Italian National Anticorruption Authority (ANAC). This independent administrative body is also in charge of Public Procurement supervision and monitoring at the national level. In this role, he leads the digital transformation of public procurement in Italy, promoting transparency and digitalization as key tools to prevent corruption, enhance efficiency and effectiveness in public procurement, and engage all stakeholders in public procurement monitoring.
Recently, he has been elected President of the European Network for Public Ethics, which brings together the independent authorities of the EU Member States active in the field of integrity and transparency in the public sector, and Vice President of the Integrity Network, an international organization comprising 14 institutions across four continents.
Previously, he worked at the Italian Personal Data Protection Authority (DPA) from its establishment in 1997 and as Director of the Permanent Board for the Relations between the State and Regions (2006–2008), Secretary General of the Authority for the supervision of public procurement (2008–2012) and Secretary General of the DPA (2012-2020). His international expertise includes membership in the Europol Joint Supervisory Body under the Europol Convention (1998–2005), where he chaired the Appeals Committee and participated in the Joint Supervisory Authority for the Customs Information Systems Convention, serving as Deputy Chair. He also contributed as an alternate member of the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party and in the Council of Europe’s ad-hoc Committee on Data Protection (CAHDATA), which was established to reform the Convention for the Protection of Individuals regarding Automatic Processing of Personal Data.
He graduated in law from the University of Rome La Sapienza, he holds a PhD in Theory of the State and comparative political institutions and a PhD in Economic Law and completed advanced studies at New York University. He has lectured at Italian universities and published on governance, procurement, technology, transparency, and data protection.