Kyi Thar

Regional Pharmacovigilance Expert (Consultant)
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Kyi Thar is a medical doctor, public health and pharmacovigilance expert. He has extensive working experience as a consultant for ADB over eight years in various health projects. Previously, he was a Technical Officer for surveillance and epidemiology at the WHO SEARO and the WHO DPR Korea. He was assigned as a Public Health Expert for UNOPS and Technical Director for the Malaria Consortium and Community Partners International. He also served as the Assistant Director for the Ministry of Health in Myanmar.

He has achieved Medical Degree and Master of Public Health from the University of Medicine, Yangon, Master of Health Management and Policy from the University of Leeds, UK and PhD Public Health from the Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He also achieved an advanced diploma in Pharmacovigilance from CCRPS, USA.
