Global Spillovers from Data-Dependent US Monetary Policy

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Global Spillovers from Data-Dependent US Monetary Policy

10 October 2024

This webinar explored how the US Federal Reserve’s data-driven approach to monetary policy impacts global financial markets, focusing on spillover effects on bond yields, currencies, stock markets, and government default probabilities across 108 economies. Special attention was given to how economies with varying levels of external debt, inflation, and fiscal health respond to these data-driven policy changes. Insights were shared on how short-term developments in US inflation and the labor market could transmit to foreign economies by influencing expectations around the ongoing US monetary policy easing cycle.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
10 Oct 2024 For more information, click here.


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Global Spillovers from Data-Dependent US Monetary Policy | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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