Veronica Doerr

Research Program Manager
, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Profile / Bio: 

Veronica is a Climate Advisor at the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). ACIAR brokers, manages, and funds collaborations between Australian researchers and research and action partners in low and middle-income countries to advance grounded, locally-led improvements in agriculture and rural livelihoods for the benefit of small-scale producers and small businesses. Since 2020, Veronica has led ACIAR’s efforts to scale deep and scale out climate considerations in its own investments. Previously, she led a program focused on interdisciplinary systems science for sustainability at Australia’s national research organization, CSIRO, which included a focus on climate and disaster resilience. She’s passionate about systems change for climate-resilient development, anticipatory and rapid adaptive learning as a central challenge, the power of partnerships, and the critical importance of inclusive locally-led decisions.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Scaling Up Locally-Led Adaptation in Agriculture 20 June 2024 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Climate Change