Joint Crediting Mechanism Methodology for AWD in the Philippines for the Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region Project

Series: Expert Committee Meetings on Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region

Joint Crediting Mechanism Methodology for AWD in the Philippines for the Climate-Resilient Agriculture and Low-Carbon Food Systems in the ASEAN Region Project

07 June 2024

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), in collaboration with the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (JMAFF), established the Expert Committee (EC), together with ASEAN participating countries such as the Philippines and Viet Nam and well-established research institutes. This initiative aimed to share Japan’s knowledge and experiences in paddy field management to increase food production while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector of the ASEAN region, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and climate change mitigation.

Based on the discussions in the previous EC meetings, the fourth EC meeting was held virtually on 10 May 2024. At the fourth EC meeting, the ADB, as the Secretariat of the EC, presented the draft methodology, focusing mainly on the Philippines. Following the intensive discussion, the EC agreed to proceed with a process to gather public input on the draft methodology in the Philippines, taking into account the situation in each country. On the other hand, regarding the methodology in Viet Nam, the EC concluded that there were still issues to be discussed further and decided to split the review process into two parts. A summary of the minutes of the fourth EC meeting will be available later on ADB's website.

To support the EC’s hearing process on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) methodology for AWD in the Philippines, the ADB, as the Secretariat, in collaboration with JMAFF, held a webinar on 7 June 2024, from 14:00 to 15:00, Philippines time (GMT+7), to explain the draft methodology prepared by the EC. In relation to this, the EC had already invited a wide range of comments until 13 June 2024 and welcomed comments sent to

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
07 Jun 2024 Guidelines for Measuring Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields Draft of the Joint Crediting Mechanism Proposed Methodology Methane Emission Reduction by Water Management in Rice Paddy Fields
The document is about a proposed methodology for reducing methane emissions in rice paddy fields through water management.
07 Jun 2024 Guidelines for Measuring Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields Appendix A- Guidelines for Measuring Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields
This document provides an overview of the guidelines for measuring methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from rice paddy fields, including information...
07 Jun 2024 Guidelines for Measuring Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields Appendix B-Supplemental Guidance for Water Management in Rice Paddy Fields
The document provides supplemental guidance for water management in rice paddy fields to reduce methane emissions and optimize rice growth and yield.
07 Jun 2024 Guidelines for Measuring Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Rice Paddy Fields Appendix C-Supplemental Guidance for Monitoring Methods and GHG Emission Calculations
The document provides supplemental guidance for monitoring methods and GHG emission calculations in relation to water management and rice yield reduction...


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