Do Tuan Dat is a vaccine scientific, production, and business adviser in the Company for Vaccine and Biological Production (VABIOTECH) where he is responsible as a Senior Consultant. In this position, he consults all the R&D, quality management, production, and business activities in VABIOTECH. Before working at VABIOTECH, he studied at the Clinical Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases, Vietnam where he conducted research in the field of tropical and infectious diseases. He was a head and joined some VABIOTECH product development teams such as anti-HCV diagnostic test, recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine, cell culture rabies vaccine, Hib conjugate vaccine, A/H5N1 and A/H1N1 influenza vaccines, dengue vaccine, Covid-19 vaccine, and combination vaccine. He was a former president of VABIOTECH Company. He holds a Ph.D in Virology from the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vie Nnam.