ADB Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy 2024-2028

Series: Serendipity Knowledge Program for Sri Lanka

ADB Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy 2024-2028

03 April 2024

The “Serendipity Knowledge Program” (SKOP) is ADB’s knowledge program dedicated to Sri Lanka, designed to respond effectively to the country’s needs in line with the vision of ADB as a knowledge solutions bank. SKOP seeks to share knowledge on issues relevant to Sri Lanka and facilitate discussion among stakeholders.

The latest event under SKOP launched ADB’s Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) 2024-2028, which will guide ADB’s operations in Sri Lanka over the next five years. ADB staff presented the Country Partnership Strategy, followed by a short video on the same topic.

The event was opened by ADB’s Director General for South Asia, sharing his views and insights on the partnership between ADB and Sri Lanka, and ADB’s role in supporting the country meet the current challenges. This was followed by a panel discussion on the required reforms and strategies to foster recovery, build resilience, and revive growth.

The Panel included participants from the government, the private sector, think tanks, and the ADB. The question and answer session that followed the panel discussion provided an opportunity for participants to engage with the panelists on Sri Lanka’s recovery and future trajectory.

This hybrid event was attended by stakeholders including government officials, private sector representatives, think tanks, development partners, and ADB staff.

Watch the video on the Sri Lanka Country Partnership Strategy 2024-2028.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
03 Apr 2024 Presentation Sri Lanka: Country Partnership Strategy 2024–2028
This presentation gives an overview of ADB Sri Lanka Resident Mission's country partnership strategy for 2024-2028.
Utsav Kumar


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