January Sanchez

Senior Integrity Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

January Sanchez is a Senior Integrity Specialist at ADB’s Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI). She primarily supports Head and Advisor, OAI in policymaking and advice, including the provision of advisory services to parties both within and external to ADB, as appropriate, on ADB’s Anticorruption Policy, Integrity Principles and Guidelines, and other areas under OAI’s mandate. She has also been assisting the Secretariat to the Sanction Appeals Committee since 2019. Prior to re-joining ADB, she was an Investigator at The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF) in Geneva, Switzerland. She started working in OAI in 2009, and before then in ADB’s Office of the General Counsel from 2007 to 2009 as a Legal Specialist (Consultant) working on law and policy reform projects. Ms. Sanchez is a lawyer and a Certified Fraud Examiner.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Anticorruption and Integrity Training for Ulaanbaatar-based Executing and Implementing Agencies and Project Implementation Units 28 February 2024 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Capacity Development, Knowledge Management