Enkhtsetseg Shinee

Profile / Bio: 

Dr Enkhtsetseg Shinee coordinates the work on air quality and health at the WHO Asia-Pacific Centre for Environment and Health in the Western Pacific Region, based in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Enkhtsetseg is a public health specialist, holding a PhD in Environmental hygiene and a Masters degree in Health administration.  She started her professional work with the research institution, then served for the Government (health ministry) coordinating the development and implementation of the national strategies and programmes on public health and environmental health, including air quality, climate change and waste management. 

Enkhtsetseg joined WHO in 2006, has experience of working at country and regional levels. Currently, she oversees the work on supporting countries in adopting WHO Air Quality Guidelines in the national standards and regulations, improving their enforcement, and advancing research and partnership on air quality and health.  


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
National Air Quality Standards: A Western Pacific Regional Overview 15 November 2023 Slides Environment, Urban Development