Dr. Leonor Tarrasón is the research director for environmental solutions at NILU. She has 30 years of experience in shaping environmental policies in Europe and a PhD in atmospheric chemistry from the University of Oslo, Norway. She has contributed to developing and implementing various tools and participatory processes to provide information and knowledge to the science-policy interface in a Norwegian, European, and international context. Among other things, she has contributed to the design of the EU's current air quality regulations and the new revision of the zero-emissions policy and has previously supported the design of the Gothenburg Protocol under the UN Convention on Long-Range Air Pollution. She currently works strategically with the European Commission (DG-ENV and DG-DEFIS) to promote the usefulness of research for policy makers, innovation financers, industry and business, specifically through user intelligence processes in the Copernicus program. Tarrasón is a board member of a number of professional networks (FAIRMODE; GEIA) where her role is to strengthen their work for policy design. She is currently a member of the scientific committee for the European Environment Agency (EEA) where she actively participates in the preparation of strategic reports for policy-making under the EU's Foresight. She was chosen as a member of the EU's Mission Assembly for climate-neutral and smart cities and is a member of the board of Clen Air Asia.