Leonor Tarrason

Research Director for Environmental Solutions
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Leonor Tarrasón is the research director for environmental solutions at NILU. She has 30 years of experience in shaping environmental policies in Europe and a PhD in atmospheric chemistry from the University of Oslo, Norway. She has contributed to developing and implementing various tools and participatory processes to provide information and knowledge to the science-policy interface in a Norwegian, European, and international context. Among other things, she has contributed to the design of the EU's current air quality regulations and the new revision of the zero-emissions policy and has previously supported the design of the Gothenburg Protocol under the UN Convention on Long-Range Air Pollution. She currently works strategically with the European Commission (DG-ENV and DG-DEFIS) to promote the usefulness of research for policy makers, innovation financers, industry and business, specifically through user intelligence processes in the Copernicus program. Tarrasón is a board member of a number of professional networks (FAIRMODE; GEIA) where her role is to strengthen their work for policy design. She is currently a member of the scientific committee for the European Environment Agency (EEA) where she actively participates in the preparation of strategic reports for policy-making under the EU's Foresight. She was chosen as a member of the EU's Mission Assembly for climate-neutral and smart cities and is a member of the board of Clen Air Asia.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Satellite Based AQ Analysis and Modelling 16 November 2023 Slides Environment, Transport, Urban Development
Air Quality Management Updates from Europe 15 November 2023 Slides Environment, Urban Development