He is a former Australian TAFE CEO who led the country’s largest TAFE Institute with over 78,000 students and 4,500 staff. He was also a founding Director of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCAP) and Chair of the Australian TAFE Directors Association (TDA). In those capacities, he was actively involved in leading the ongoing TVET reforms in Australia for over 20 years including restructuring the NSW state TAFE system. He has represented all TAFE Institutes on the Australian Quality Council (regulatory and qualifications), the national staff development committee, the NSW Board of Education, and the NSW Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Board. Since 2010 he has been the Team Leader of international aid and development projects across the Pacific and Southeast Asia and worked in an advisory capacity to many governments seeking to implement significant reforms to their education and training systems. He specializes in organizational capacity development and system reform, change, and human resources capacity development. He was awarded a Queens Medal, NSW Minister's Medal, and TAFE Medal for services to public education in Australia.