Mr. David Binns joined the Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) in June 2013 having previously worked with business risk consultancies RISQ Worldwide and Control Risks Group in the UK, Singapore, and Australia since 2002. He was a director of the RISQ Worldwide's UK office having been the Director of Operations in Singapore from 2007 to 2010. Mr. Binns joined Control Risks Group in Australia in 2002 as the Investigations Manager before moving to Singapore in 2004 where he was eventually promoted to Deputy Director for South and South East Asia.
In 1997 Mr. Binns joined KPMG Forensic Accounting in London and in 2000 was seconded to KPMG Sydney to assist in developing its forensic practice. Prior to KPMG he was a civil servant, serving as an investigator in the UK's Inland Revenue Special Investigation Office (formerly known as the Board's Investigation Office), which he joined in 1990.
Mr. Binns has an EMBA in International Business from the University of Bristol, as well as BA Hons. Economics.