Digitalization for Smart, Resilient, and Interconnected Transmission Systems


Digitalization for Smart, Resilient, and Interconnected Transmission Systems

11 October 2023


How can we ensure that transmission systems are smart, resilient, and interconnected to cope with the changing energy landscape and deliver reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity to consumers? How can digitalization enable transmission system operators to optimize their assets, enhance their services, and integrate more renewables?

Hear from Elia Group's experiences of designing, building, and operating smart, resilient, and interconnected transmission systems from its perspective as Europe's leading power transmission operator, which has a target to integrate 100% renewable energy by 2032.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Oct 2023 Webinar Recording [VIDEO] Digitalization for Smart, Resilient, and Interconnected Transmission Systems
This is the full webinar recording of the event.
Christine Chan, Lavjit Singh, Didier Wiot


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