Dennie Mamonto has been working with the ADB - Indonesia Resident Mission as an environmental safeguard officer since 2019. He is actively involved in developing project environmental safeguards documents for various ADB-funded project, including public infrastructure, energy, transport, flood management, education, urban sanitation, health, water resources management, and private sector development projects.
He is also involved in project safeguards due diligence; negotiation process with potential implementing agencies; supervising and monitoring the implementation of project environmental impact assessments and environmental management plans; safeguard capacity building for clients and their consultants; and providing technical input in the safeguards rating reports of ADB-funded projects.
Prior to working with ADB, he worked with international development organizations such as the World Bank and the Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia (MCAI/MCC USA) as an environmental and social safeguard specialist for national community empowerment, transportation, renewable energy, and health. He also worked as a national coastal forest consultant for the post-disaster recovery projects of the Food and Agriculture Organization (UN-FAO) and the British Red Cross Society (BRCS) after the Aceh tsunami in 2004.
Dennie was also involved in writing several books and publications on community-based management, safeguard guidance for small-scale projects, coastal forest rehabilitation, post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction. Dennie graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Science and a Master of Science in Aquatic Science from Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Indonesia.