Stephane Bessadi

Senior Procurement Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

As part of ADB's Procurement, Portfolio, and Financial Management Department (PPFD), Stephane Bessadi strategically supports infrastructure project design and procurement in Asia and the Pacific, focusing on sustainability, operations and maintenance, and low carbon technologies. He is based in the ADB resident mission in India, New Delhi. Stephane also leads on innovative water and wastewater practices and technologies from the water service industry. Before joining ADB in 2017, Stephane held an international managerial position for 15 years with private water companies and developed innovative water saving practices. A French national, Stephane holds a master's Degree in Water Management from AgroParisTech and an Engineer Economist Degree from Magistère Ingénieur Economiste of Aix Marseille II University, both in France, and a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 29 January 2024 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
ADB New Contract for Advanced Operations and Maintenance of Infrastructures (Water & Waste Water) 05 October 2023 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Introduction to ADB, India Operations and Access to ADB Business Opportunities 12 September 2023 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
Contract Management Transitioning from the Pink Book (June 2010) to FIDIC 2017 Red Book 28 August 2023 Slides Capacity Development, Finance
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 13 November 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 19 October 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Economics
The ADB Procurement System and Business Opportunities 11 October 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Keeping the Taps Flowing: O&M Contracting and Water Infrastructure Sustainability 08 August 2022 Slides Water, Urban Development, Climate Change
ADB Procurement Framework and Consulting Opportunities 30 March 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 20 January 2022 Slides Disaster Risk Management, ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
ADB Procurement Framework 14 October 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
ADB Procurement Framework 13 October 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Finance
Procurement Methods at ADB: Overview and Sustainable Procurement 07 October 2021 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Climate Change, Finance, Disaster Risk Management
Virtual BOS 2020: Principles and First Learnings 29 October 2020 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 22 October 2020 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Doing Business with ADB and the ADB Procurement System 22 September 2020 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Urban Energy Planning for Smarter utilities 18 June 2019 Slides Energy, Water, Urban Development
Energy Screening Tool and Methodology 18 June 2019 Slides Energy, Water
Smart Water Utility Training in Macao 29 May 2019 Slides Urban Development, Water
NRW Management and 24x7 Water Supply In Cities: How is ADB Helping The Government 14 March 2019 Slides Urban Development, Water
Support to Water Utilities from ADB: Experience in Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) 16 January 2019 Slides Urban Development
How to make DBO contracts more applicable to infrastructure projects 11 December 2018 Slides Urban Development, Water