Inarno Djajadi was born in Yogyakarta, December 31, 1962. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Gadjah Mada University in 1981. He started his career in the capital market in 1989.
Inarno served as the President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchang (IDX) through the General Meeting of Shareholders on June 29, 2018. Prior to serving at the IDX, he served as Treasury Officer at PT Aspac Uppindo Sekuritas (1989-1991), Director of PT Aspac Uppindo Sekuritas (1991-1997), Director of PT Mitra Duta Sekuritas (1997-1999), Director of PT Widari Sekuritas (1999), and President Director of PT Madani Sekuritas (2000-2003).
In addition, he has also served as President Director, Commissioner, and President Commissioner of PT KPEI (2003-2009, 2010-2013, dan 2013-2016), President Commissioner of PT Maybank Kim Eng Securities (2013-2014), President Commissioner of PT CIMB Niaga Sekuritas (2014-2017), and IDX Commissioner (2017-2018).
Inarno also has experience in various organizations throughout his career, including as a member of the Indonesian Securities Brokerage Association (IPEI) (1992-1994), a member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Capital Market Professionals (2017-2020), and currently serves as the Chairman of Jakarta Economics Bachelors Association Raya (ISEI Jaya) from 2020.