Mr. Ginting heads ADB country operations in Bangladesh. He manages country relations and looks after a $13 billion portfolio covering energy, transport, urban infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, education, agriculture and natural resources, and finance sectors. He oversees the implementation of the ADB Country Partnership Strategy for Bangladesh (2021–2025) and leads ADB’s policy dialogue with government counterparts, civil society, and other partners.
Mr. Ginting joined ADB in 2007. Prior to the current assignment, he held several senior positions in ADB, including as deputy director general of the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, director of the Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division, and deputy country director at the Indonesian Resident Mission. As a staff, he led several key policy-based loans and ADB’s crisis response operations after the 2009 global financial crisis. Before joining ADB, he was an economist at the International Monetary Fund; advisor to the Indonesian Parliament; research economist at the Productivity Commission, Australia; researcher and lecturer at the University of Indonesia; and a postdoctoral fellow at Monash University.
Mr. Ginting has authored numerous publications including on fiscal policy, state-owned enterprises, international trade, employment, economic outlook, and economic development challenges for several countries in Asia.
Mr. Ginting is from Indonesia and has a doctorate degree in economics from Monash University, Australia, and bachelor’s and master's degrees from Indonesia and Thailand.