Investing in Women’s Financial Futures

Series: Asian Impact: ADB Research in Action

Investing in Women’s Financial Futures

25 May 2023

Saving for retirement is a challenge across the Pacific, especially for women. The report “A Secure Retirement: Levelling the Playing Field for Women in the Pacific” explored the difficulties women in the Pacific face in achieving retirement security and how retirement funds could help reduce these hurdles. A panel of experts provided their perspectives, including insights drawn from initiatives undertaken by the Pacific Islands Investment Forum and Nasfund, Papua New Guinea’s largest retirement fund.


Webinar attendees had the chance to engage with the speakers and:

  • Gained an understanding of the structural barriers that prevent women in the Pacific from equal access to retirement fund benefits
  • Shared insights on policy reforms to address these barriers including good practice examples from national retirement funds
  • Learned about the regional platform coordinating reforms across the Pacific
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 May 2023 Video Recording Watch the video here.


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