Mr. Heru Prasetyo spent his first professional career in management consultancy, first with The SGV Group (1974-1983), and ended it as the Country Managing Partner of Accenture (Andersen Consulting 1983-2002). After his retirement from this international consulting firm, he was Director of Donor and International Relations at the Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias, post the 2004 Tsunami (2005-2009).
In 2009 he was Deputy Minister of the Indonesian President’s Delivery Unit. Besides the role of monitoring the working of the cabinet, in this role he was tasked as the Secretary for the REDD+ Task Force and also the Secretary of the National Committee for Post 2015 Development Agenda, supporting the President as Co-Chair of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons in this UN Secretary-General initiative.
At the REDD+ Task Force, he was leading the development of the Strategy, Organization, MRV, and Financial Instrument to manage international funds to implement the REDD+ (Reduction of Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) program nationally. As part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda initiative Heru was exposed to the challenge of financing Green Development, among others to the New Climate Economy initiative led by the former President of Mexico, President Philippe Calderon. His last position was as a Ministerial level Head of the REDD+ Agency, reporting directly to the President.