Over 30 years in the geomatics industry, providing surveying, 3D mapping and LiDAR mapping for the natural resource developing, infrastructure, agribusiness and forestry firms. Work experience in Europe, Africa, N America, S America and SE Asia managing country wide surveying / LiDAR mapping projects.
Currently developing SE Asia LiDAR markets for environmental (including coastal zone management and flood mitigation), urban development, archeology, mining, forestry, oil and gas, agri-business, etc.
Successfully managed the acquisition of LiDAR and Digital Air Photo for Siem Reap Archaeology project for the Khmer Archaeology Consortium headed by Dr. Damian Evans. The project covered approximately 27,000 Ha on mostly forested terrain and the LiDAR results allowed archaeologists to discover new cities.
Successfully completed 2nd LiDAR project for Archaeology in Cambodia and for the Cambodia Archaeology LiDAR Initiative (CALI) flying and processing LiDAR, including waveform and air photo. This is the largest archaeology dedicated LiDAR undertaken in the World to date. CALI is headed by Dr. Damian Evans and Dr. Dominique Soutif of Ecole Francaise de L'Extreme Orient (EFEO).