Laura is a shock responsive social protection specialist with over 22 years-experience, working across the nexus from complex protracted crisis and into development. Her programme and policy experience in LMIC across Africa, SE Asia and Central Asia has focused on socio economic vulnerability to shocks and included refugees, IDP’s and informal workers in urban and rural areas. Laura is at the forefront of global initiatives exploring the potential for leveraging and strengthening national social protection systems for shock response (also known as adaptive social protection). She has undertaken research and diagnostic studies to identify evidence and entry points for SRSP across the nexus. Her work on designing SRSP programmes has included forecast based action (FBA) for predictable and reoccurring shocks exacerbated by climate change, strengthening of digital and management information systems for shock response, and development of SRSP roadmaps and frameworks to support government systems strengthening. Her expertise includes qualitative research, assessment and analysis of delivery systems, multisectoral approaches and development of technical and operational resources, tools and guidance. She has conducted work on behalf of FCDO, UNICEF, WFP, DFAT and WB and holds an MSc in Public Health.