High-Level Technology Public-Private Seminar


High-Level Technology Public-Private Seminar

15 September 2016

ADB is promoting the use of high-level technologies across the infrastructure sectors, including transport, energy, water, and urban development. Such technologies will help lower greenhouse gas emissions and raise development impacts, among other advantages.

This seminar brought together public and private sector representatives, officials of ADB’s developing member countries, and ADB project officers to explore available high-level technologies offering innovative approaches and solutions. Insights on the latest research and development in specific fields of transport, like railways and advanced construction technology, were also be discussed.

High-Level Technology Public-Private Seminar was a side meeting held during ADB Transport Forum 2016. Click here to view the ADB Transport Forum 2016 main event page and materials in k-Learn.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
15 Sep 2016 Presentation Connecting Today’s Freight Rail Landscape
The path to optimizing outcomes is unlocking the exponential value of connection and data to solve systems problems. Learn about GE Transportation's digital...
Pete Lawson
15 Sep 2016 Presentation Is the Future of Urban Mobility Above our Heads?
Learn why the cable car system is a proven technology for sustainable urban transport. This presentation enumerates the advantages of installing a ...
Norbert Feuerstein
15 Sep 2016 Presentation Contactless Technology for Smart Mobility
Learn about contactless technology and the benefits it provides. Contactless technology provides fast and highly-secure transactions, user convenience...
Matteo Vezzosi
15 Sep 2016 Presentation Bus Rapid Transit
Learn about the key success factors in the implementation of a new bus rapid transit (BRT) system. Implementing a new BRT system entails the removal...
Jeremy Knight


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High-Level Technology Public-Private Seminar | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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