Noel is currently a staff-consultant (Procurement and Contract Management Specialist) at the Asian Development Bank. Aside from his over 30 years of extensive experience in the field of procurement (health, education, social welfare, climate change, irrigation / water, power, transport, mining, agriculture, local government finance, SME and environment) and project management, including about 20 years in the World Bank, he has considerable work on community driven development and citizen monitoring. His pioneering work on the innovative use of geotagging as an excellent visualization and transparency tool is among the integrity strengthening tools listed in the World Bank’s New Procurement Framework.
As a Procurement Specialist, he has seasoned knowledge and specialized command of all major facets of the World Bank and ADB procurement policies and practices as applied across a wide range of lending operations at all phases of the project cycle, and ability to address broader issues at sector and country levels. In the course of his work with the World Bank he has assessed and helped executing agencies to successfully build procurement capacity at the earliest stage of project implementation. He developed and executed customized training modules on complex procurement topics, e.g. landfill, textbooks, pharmaceuticals. He is also one of the Procurement instructors for the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Project and Procurement Management Course (PPMC).