Climate-Smart Agriculture Training for Practitioners


Climate-Smart Agriculture Training for Practitioners

09 October 2018 to 11 October 2018

Climate change imposes a dynamic challenge on the food system in Asia and has already started impacting farming and food value chains in ADB’s developing member countries (DMCs). Climate adaptation and mitigation investments, hence, are relevant to the food and nutrition security agenda of Asia and the Pacific. While the impacts of climate change on food production and distribution have been well discussed and understood in general, practical knowledge of specific measures and activities and how to finance those are still lacking.

ADB, through the Rural Development and Food Security (Agriculture) Thematic Group, is teaming up with CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), ADB Japanese Representative Office, and ADB Institute in rolling out training on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) for practitioners. This training, which gathered about 20 ADB staff and DMC project staff, aimed to enhance the participants’ knowledge of CSA and climate finance and to enable them to apply the knowledge in upscaling CSA practices under ADB’s projects.

Based on global best practices and some of ADB’s project experience, this training provided practical knowledge about how climate change is likely to impact agriculture, food system, and security, and what actions can be taken to increase productivity, build resilience to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through CSA.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
09 Oct 2018 Opening Welcome and Introduction Takashi Matsuo, Michiko Katagami, Srinivasan Ancha, Pramod Aggarwal
09 Oct 2018 Opening Training Overview Takashi Matsuo, Michiko Katagami, Srinivasan Ancha, Pramod Aggarwal
09 Oct 2018 Session A: CSA Concepts Module 1: Overview of Climatic Risks and Climate-Smart Agriculture Pramod Aggarwal
09 Oct 2018 Session A: CSA Agriculture Concepts Module 2: Overview of Options for Mitigation in Agriculture Lini Wollenberg
09 Oct 2018 Session A: CSA Concepts Module 3: CSA Technologies, Practices, and Services Leo Sebastian
09 Oct 2018 Session A: CSA Concepts Exercise: Emission Calculator for Project (ExAct Tool) Lini Wollenberg, Arun KC
09 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling Out and Finance Presentation of ADB projects by the participants Michiko Katagami, Srinivasan Ancha
09 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling Out and Finance Module 4: Enabling Environment and Scaling Out CSA Andy Jarvis
09 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling-Out and Finance Module 5: CSA Prioritization and Bundling Arun KC
09 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling-Out and Finance Module 6: Climate-Smart Policies (Success Stories) Dhanush Dinesh
09 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling-Out and Finance Presentation of ADB projects by the participants Michiko Katagami, Srinivasan Ancha
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
10 Oct 2018 Reflection of Day 1 Participants, Michiko Katagami, Srinivasan Ancha
10 Oct 2018 Section B: CSA Scaling-Out and Finance Module 7: Climate Finance Alberto Millan
10 Oct 2018 Section C: CSA Tracking Module 8: CSA Metrics and M&E Dhanush Dinesh
10 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Presentation of ADB projects by the participants Michiko Katagmi, Srinivasan Ancha
10 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Exercise: Making Your Own Project Climate-Smart (Indicators for CSA and CSA finance tracking Andy Jarvis, Alberto Millan, and other resource persons
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Presentation of ADB projects by the participants Michiko Katagami
11 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Module 9: Climate-Smart Village Approach Pramod Aggarwal
11 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Module 10: Model CSA Project (Examples and Steps for the Group Work) Alberto Millan, Andy Jarvis
11 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Group Work on Transforming 5 Pipeline Projects to CSA Projects
11 Oct 2018 Section D: Designing a CSA Project Project Presentation and Discussions: What Did We Change? Project Leaders
11 Oct 2018 Discussions and Reflection
11 Oct 2018 Closing Evaluation


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Climate-Smart Agriculture Training for Practitioners | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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