Arif Uddin is a transport specialist at the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), based in Ethiopia. He is currently managing the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) in Africa and providing cross-support for transport projects in the region.
Arif, a Bangladeshi transport engineer, holds a Master of Science in Highway and Transportation Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Prior to joining this position, Arif worked with the renowned injury research organization Center for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), the World's largest NGO BRAC, and as a consultant in the Roads and Highways Department, Bangladesh.
This professional experience of more than eight years has made him highly experienced in road user behaviour analysis, vulnerable road user safety, black spot investigation and correction, policy research, development of a research tool as well as traffic safety intervention evaluation with significant statistical expertise.
Arif has participated extensively in prestigious training and conferences, disseminated research findings through scientific articles. Also, he is an Advocate of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety.
Arif is particularly passionate about creating a low-cost framework for road safety, where different stakeholders can work together to make the World a better place, free from road crashes.