European Central Bank’s Financial Stability Review


European Central Bank’s Financial Stability Review

04 June 2018
Mandaluyong City

European Central Bank’s (ECB) Paul Heibert presented ECB’s latest Financial Stability Review. He also discussed some recent methodological innovations that can improve understanding of the state of financial stability. His presentation was followed by a short roundtable discussion with ADB’s Adbdul Abiad and University of the Philippines’ Maggie Debuque-Gonzales as panelists.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
04 Jun 2018 Introductory Remarks Yasuyuki Sawada
04 Jun 2018 Presentation Financial Stability Review by ECB: Key Takeaways
In this presentation, European Central Bank’s Paul Hiebert sharesthe bank’s Financial Stability Review. The presentation also gives an overview of some...
Paul Hiebert
04 Jun 2018 Roundtable Discussion European Central Bank's Financial Stability Review
Risk and associated volatility are not bad. Stifle them, and you stifle growth. Caution, however, is still needed to avoid “excess” risk and volatility...
Abdul Abiad
04 Jun 2018 Roundtable Discussion Discussion on Financial Stability Review by ECB Margarita Debuque-Gonzales


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