A Civil & Environmental Engineer- by profession is currently working as the Water Resources Specialist in the Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development Sector in the Bangladesh Resident Mission of ADB. She joined ADB in 2019 and had been working as the Project Officer for the Emergency Assistance Project till January 2022. She is a dedicated development practitioner with more than 16 years of experience working in multiple sectors including Urban and Rural infrastructure, water resources management, disaster management, climate change adaption, and other allied fields. She was involved in the implementation of some of the mega projects in Bangladesh. She has vast experience working in partnership with government ministries and departments, national and international organizations including the UN system.
She has authored and co-authored multiple technical writeups and published several technical reports. Marjana has traveled extensively throughout Asia and Europe and presented case studies in water supply sanitation, disaster risk reduction, Climate Change adaptation, and mitigation and sustainable development.
Marjana attended a leadership program at an Ivy League University in the US and received Netherland Fellowship from Dutch Government to complete her post-graduation studies in the Netherlands. She is a member of the Gender and Water Alliance, Institute of Engineers, and a few more, and an alumni member of some internationally renowned universities.