Dana Kenney is an energy and climate change expert with more than 30 years of professional experience, including over 20 years in developing countries. She is currently working at Abt Associates’ headquarters, focused on business development and marketing of Abt innovations in the energy and environment sectors. She served as Chief of Party of the recent 5-year USAID Clean Power Asia program, focused on scaling up investment in renewable energy in Southeast Asia.
In prior years, she served as Chief of Party of the USAID-funded EC-LEDS Clean Energy Program in Georgia, managed Philippines and Jamaica programs under the Analysis and Investment for Low Emissions Growth (AILEG) project and spent over 10 years working directly for USAID in Asia and Africa. She earned an M.A. in Technology and Human Affairs from Washington University and a B.A. with dual majors in Economics and Environmental Studies from Principia College in Elsah, Illinois.