Michael Ewing-Chow is an Associate Professor and the WTO Chair at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore (NUS). He has a First Class Honours degree in law from NUS and a Master's from Harvard Law School. Michael worked in Allen & Gledhill before joining NUS where he started the first World Trade Law course in Singapore and was involved in the negotiations for some of Singapore’s early FTAs. He has been a consultant to the Singapore Government, the ADB, ASEAN, UNCTAD, the World Bank, and the WTO. Michael has advised government officials all over the world on trade and investment law as well as corporate governance.
He also assisted the Singapore Company Law Reform and Frameworks Committee in 2001 with a major overhaul of corporate law and in 2008 was appointed to a Working Group of the Steering Committee to review the Companies Act. He has taught in a number of universities in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Michael also co-founded aidha, an NGO which provides financial education and microfinance opportunities for domestic migrant workers. For his work, he was awarded the Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007. He has received several Teaching Excellence Awards and was awarded the Inspiring Mentor Award in 2009.
From: https://www.law.georgetown.edu/ctls/staff/michael-ewing-chow/