Marianne Weinreich

Market Manager, Smart Mobility
, Ramboll
Profile / Bio: 

Marianne Weinreich holds a master's degree in Scandinavian Literature and language and World History, but for more than 20 years she has advised cities about sustainable mobility policy and promotion and mobility management. She’s an expert in cycling policy and promotion.   For the last 4 years, she has been a Market Manager in Ramboll’s Smart Mobility division where she besides working with clients is leading the thought leadership program. As part of that, she was the lead author of the report “Gender and (smart) mobility” published in March 2021.   She is also co-founder and Chair of the Cycling Embassy of Denmark and an experienced speaker at and moderator of cycling and mobility webinars and conferences around the World.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Gender and Mobility 21 June 2022 Slides Urban Development, Transport, Gender Equality